Hi all
Last Saturday I had another operation, I stopped counting at 15. Also I'm not going to say this is the last one either as it seems to jinx it and I have another one.
So this time I had the saggy skin around the top of my thigh sucked and tucked.
So it went from looking like an ice cream to an avocado. :)
This is purely for aesthetic reasons and as the normal skin at the top back of my thigh was no longer attached to anything I could not tone it to make it firm or burn the fat in it. So I asked my plastic surgeon at LGI to tidy it up.
I also had a sore spot investigated on the end of the stump near the Darlek. I thought it was another neuroma, or a bit of stone as it often sent shooting spasms down my leg like it was pressing on a bunch of nerves.
But after cutting into it, it was just a big lump of scar tissue pressing on nerves, so he cut that away taking care not to effect the now sealed hole by my ossio (Darlek).
I have pins and needles pain but no other, which is good if annoying. But I know from past experience that its just my nerves sorting themselves out. Like 50 people trying to get comfortable in a double bed.
Below is a picture after changing my dressings a week on. That's one hell of a shiner but it doesn't hurt to press on it and is already fading. Thanks to my wolverine genes :)
Also the cut they made around the base and top are not bleeding either and I think within another week should be well on their way to stitches dropping out.
This is my super power :)
So I'm back in the pram, but for the first time I can just clip my leg back on and I know I can stand up with out pain. I won't do this (mum) as I don't want to risk splitting my stitches.
I still hate being in the chair though especially as is coming nice outside and I have so many projects to do.
Hey ho time to watch more Netflix and play on my P.C and feel my ass grow. It's a hard life.
I will always remember the brave girl who was in the bed opposite my dear mum (who has now sadly passed away) at the time of her accident - somehow always managed to have a smile on her face ��