Hi all
I got my new smaller liner, and now no longer feel like my leg is going to flop off.
Although due to my cone shape I still have the problem of not being able to wear heavy boots.
Like my new rocks, as after a few strides I can feel the rubber grip slipping. Maybe I should look into wearing a support belt for heavy shoes?
Any way I digress. I know its not the end of the year but at the beginning I made two resolutions. I set out to loose weight. Which I did 1.5 stone :)
The other was to be able to walk around my block where I normally scooter my dogs without the aid of a stick.
Now as you know I had had my 13th operation, and nerve pain, and leg problems, and I was so depressed at one point not wanting to be here anymore. But I got another tattoo 'this too shall pass' and gave myself time to heal, and yesterday I found that the inside nerve operation had healed and there wasn't any pain. For the first time ever I didn't have any pain in my leg.
Yes my toes on my good foot hurt, and I'm waiting for an operation for them. But I could put my leg on and take a step with no pain!.
So I walked up and down my drive , then took a bus to town to meet my mum. I had my stick with me for support, but I was taking steps without it.
So when I got home as the weather had improved I thought why not give it a go. Its due to snow in December, and January. So now was my chance, and I did it!
I walked granny steps just swinging my gate slowly, there wasn't any rush. I kept my head down looking at my feet. Not to make sure I was walking ok. But so I didn't know how far I had to walk. Not all the pavement was even, and some at one point sloped out to the road but I just walked slowly and even kicked some leaves :)
The last few yards back to my gate was the hardest, as my thigh was aching due to lack of use and my back was aching and my toes throbbing. But I did it I checked an app I had turned on and I had walked 1.56miles in 40 minutes!
Attached is a video of that moment. Now I'm not going to do a tiny Tim and throw away my stick. I'm still going to use it for that little bit of support until my thigh becomes strong and bloody tilting pavements!. So its been a long road getting here but I've final done it.
I will still post as there is always things I want to talk about, my up coming toes operation and prosthetic leg stuff. But hopefully no more leg operations now :)
take care x