Hi All
Sorry I haven't posted up a new youtube vlog with me walking yet.
First off as soon as I got back from Germany they wanted my leg to go off for servicing.
Then I didn't get a loaner unit until two weeks later. Then I was rushing around sorting out Christmas presents and a big rush on orders for my business.
Then yesterday I went to A&E after having really, really bad stabbing pains in my lower left side.
I was fine, had been since my operation. Yes I had a mini IBS attack in hospital and at the airport that time but that was down to trigger foods.
I had been having a few whiskeys over the festive season and a few mince pies (free from gluten & dairy ones). But my healthy choice of foods stayed the same. No processed rubbish, plenty of fruit and veg. No sweets, no sugar or salty foods.
Then wham! agony, I was so scared I though my appendix had burst (I have no idea where that is in the body by the way)
But this wasn't bowel/IBS wind pain and wasn't I.C Bladder burn, this was something completely different and I thought it must be severe cramp. Then after 20 mins it had worn off and reduced to a low pulled muscle feeling. Then a few seconds later it slowly built up again to the point where I was in tears thinking what the hell!
I was in so much pain that i called 999. I have never done this before ever, especially this time of year when i know emergency services are stretched.
But i was so scared and in pain, but the lady told me that i would have had a 2hr wait as my condition did not sound life threatening. So i said I'd get a taxi, i was in so much pain at this point i couldn't scroll through my phone to get the number so just did what any scared child would do and called my mum on speed dial.
I felt really stupid and she of course went into mum panic mode and called my brother inlaw to pick me up. She then got in a taxi with my dad and headed to the hospital saying she would meet us there, but also called my sister as well (who is heavily pregnant) who got in her car and went there.
By the time we had amassed on the A&E unit my pain had gone down to a dull ache again, i felt really really stupid. Especially with having all my family there Christmas week looking at me.
In the end i convinced them to go and my mum stayed with me whilst i had tests.
I then had to come back the following day for a CT scan and that's when they found out i had two kidney stones 3-4mm in size stuck up by the exit of my left kidney.
The agony i felt was the stone moving out of the kidney where it had formed and squeezing down the thin pee tube. There was pee blocked up behind it but it did not warrant surgery as the stones they said were small enough to pass down given time and lots of water on their own.
I just had to go home and munch pain killers like smarties and grin and bare it until they pass.
I'm to go back in 2 weeks for another x-ray and tests to see if they have moved/gone. I'm also going to see if i can get one when they come out because i found out there are different types.
Not just the common Calcium ones, but ones made by too much acids or a UTI infection, one that is hereditary and one that is rare and usually only in men (i bet i have that one).
Each stone requires a change in diet to stop it coming back, or medical treatment etc so i need to know what to do because i am not having reoccurring Kidney fecking stones to add to my list!!
What really pisses me off is that for the past year or so i have been on a really healthy eating routine, not a diet. But healthy life style changes. I'm mostly vegetarian, i have quorn as meat alternative. I don't have dairy like cheese (because i don't like the greasy taste anymore)
I don't have fried foods, pasties etc and don't eat sweets and cakes etc. I might have a treat at a birthday meal but that's it. Nothing to warrant fecking Kidney stones!!!
Well its new years eve tomorrow, no booze or even coffee for me :(
After loosing my left leg above the knee in a road traffic accident, I want to share my experiences with you. The up's and down's, and get through this together, and soon we will be standing on our own two feet again!
Saturday, 30 December 2017
Sunday, 19 November 2017
Final Ossio trip
Hi All
I will do an update here and a vlog post in a weeks time when I get my leg back so I can show you walking. (it has to go in for its yearly service on Monday.)
So went out again on 15th November to have a part swapped and a cast done of my knee/ upper thigh for a cosmetic cover.
DO NOT GO OUT ON 15th NOVEMBER TO HANNOVER!!!! This just happens to be the biggest agricultural fair date where business men from all over the world come to sell their latest JCB's, tractors, produce stock etc. Dr Aschoff failed to mention this when suggesting the date back in October. So everywhere was booked up or prices were stupid, for example I stayed in the only room that was available that wasn't a hostel. A Premier class German version with single rooms no breakfast one night usually costs 58 euros. That date cost me 250 euros!!!! Then there was the flight out and back. Normally £250 now £450.!
I met with the technical team at 10am had the part swapped and a plaster cast done of my leg. Got the all clear from Dr Aschoff told to come back and see him in 6 months for a review and was out by 11am. Most expensive Drs appointment ever! :)
So its 8 weeks since I had the implant, I couldn't take a step without my crutches during the first week, and it was painful to step through.
I kept walking though, knowing that I had to build up the strength in my thigh as I am no longer doing the swing through action to take a step, normally using my hip.
But now I just swing forward with my thigh like you would normally when you walk.
Having not done this for 5yrs its hard to break the habit. But the best way I have found is once the pain has eased when you put your weight through your foot. (around 5th week.) walk around the house with just a walking stick. Hold the walking stick in your hand next to your 'real' leg, so that when you take a step you are forced to swing your false leg out and put it down with out the stick next to it to take the weight. Do this slowly just so you get used to the motion.
DO NOT try going down slopes or steps foot over foot yet, that still hurts and you are at risk of twisting your ankle which is still a big no, until at least 12 months.
I go down slopes sideways shuffle and go up and down steps like I used to with my socket leg so 'bad' first then good going down and reverse going up. Remember the mantra Bad to hell, good to heaven if your wondering what to put first.
I can currently lurch around the house without any sticks (you didn't read that Dr Aschoff!) 'Not recommended until at least 6 months in'. But I have no pain and take it easy and when outside if its short distances like to the garage I use one stick. If walking around town then two sticks.
Its so weird when I put the leg on as I am so used to putting on all the rubber liners and stickers and Velcro, then having to wait 10mins to see if my leg is sore today to stand on and walk until I'm comfortable. Now I put it on and....nothing, just walk.
I do have another neuroma that has developed at the end where some scar tissue is and its very sore to push on but I can't feel it when I walk. Its only a problem if I have a plaster/gauze covering the lump of scar tissue and it rubs it when I walk making it tender. (I still have to wear gauze and plasters for oozing) In the new year I am going to make an appointment with Dr Dewar my plastic surgeon at NHS to cut that out and also tidy up some loose skin around the back of my thigh that I no longer need for 'socket padding.'
There are also other habits I don't need to do anymore like lifting up the toilet seat to pee. The reason for doing this was the hard plastic socket would scratch/mark the toilet seat and on one occasion when I sat down too hard knock it sideways and snap it off the back.
I bought size 10 knickers! rather than 14 because theres no socket there now to arse chew my knickers up my crack when I walk. I bought t-shirts that are fitted, and gave my size 12 baggy ones to charity as I no longer have to hide the sticking out hip I had with the socket and the ridge part by my bum. I can wear tight pants again! BEHOLD my bottom and waist!
For the first time in over 5yrs I am actually getting my body confidence back and like what I see in the mirror. Yes it is very very expensive and if your insurance is not going to cover it I'm sorry but Ossio integration is the best thing I have had done and wish I had done it earlier.
So you will need £40,000 this is for everything, flights, hotel stays, xrays, procedures after care etc etc.
Dr Aschoff told me there are two others who are just about to start this journey and I said they are more than welcome to ask me for advice. But bare in mind everyone is different, your body is different to mine, your accident/ injury could look different to mine. You may need the whole 6/12 months to recover. You may have pain all the way through or get an infection or may not. You might have a lot of excess fat on your thigh that means you will leak for longer, maybe permanently.
Just things to bare in mind, but I hope things go well for you and I am here for any questions and support.
I will still keep updating this blog and my vlog with my progress, my aim is to get a video of my walking 'normally' with out a stick down my drive.
So till next time take care xxxx
Hi All
I will do an update here and a vlog post in a weeks time when I get my leg back so I can show you walking. (it has to go in for its yearly service on Monday.)
So went out again on 15th November to have a part swapped and a cast done of my knee/ upper thigh for a cosmetic cover.
DO NOT GO OUT ON 15th NOVEMBER TO HANNOVER!!!! This just happens to be the biggest agricultural fair date where business men from all over the world come to sell their latest JCB's, tractors, produce stock etc. Dr Aschoff failed to mention this when suggesting the date back in October. So everywhere was booked up or prices were stupid, for example I stayed in the only room that was available that wasn't a hostel. A Premier class German version with single rooms no breakfast one night usually costs 58 euros. That date cost me 250 euros!!!! Then there was the flight out and back. Normally £250 now £450.!
I met with the technical team at 10am had the part swapped and a plaster cast done of my leg. Got the all clear from Dr Aschoff told to come back and see him in 6 months for a review and was out by 11am. Most expensive Drs appointment ever! :)
So its 8 weeks since I had the implant, I couldn't take a step without my crutches during the first week, and it was painful to step through.
I kept walking though, knowing that I had to build up the strength in my thigh as I am no longer doing the swing through action to take a step, normally using my hip.
But now I just swing forward with my thigh like you would normally when you walk.
Having not done this for 5yrs its hard to break the habit. But the best way I have found is once the pain has eased when you put your weight through your foot. (around 5th week.) walk around the house with just a walking stick. Hold the walking stick in your hand next to your 'real' leg, so that when you take a step you are forced to swing your false leg out and put it down with out the stick next to it to take the weight. Do this slowly just so you get used to the motion.
DO NOT try going down slopes or steps foot over foot yet, that still hurts and you are at risk of twisting your ankle which is still a big no, until at least 12 months.
I go down slopes sideways shuffle and go up and down steps like I used to with my socket leg so 'bad' first then good going down and reverse going up. Remember the mantra Bad to hell, good to heaven if your wondering what to put first.
I can currently lurch around the house without any sticks (you didn't read that Dr Aschoff!) 'Not recommended until at least 6 months in'. But I have no pain and take it easy and when outside if its short distances like to the garage I use one stick. If walking around town then two sticks.
Its so weird when I put the leg on as I am so used to putting on all the rubber liners and stickers and Velcro, then having to wait 10mins to see if my leg is sore today to stand on and walk until I'm comfortable. Now I put it on and....nothing, just walk.
I do have another neuroma that has developed at the end where some scar tissue is and its very sore to push on but I can't feel it when I walk. Its only a problem if I have a plaster/gauze covering the lump of scar tissue and it rubs it when I walk making it tender. (I still have to wear gauze and plasters for oozing) In the new year I am going to make an appointment with Dr Dewar my plastic surgeon at NHS to cut that out and also tidy up some loose skin around the back of my thigh that I no longer need for 'socket padding.'
There are also other habits I don't need to do anymore like lifting up the toilet seat to pee. The reason for doing this was the hard plastic socket would scratch/mark the toilet seat and on one occasion when I sat down too hard knock it sideways and snap it off the back.
I bought size 10 knickers! rather than 14 because theres no socket there now to arse chew my knickers up my crack when I walk. I bought t-shirts that are fitted, and gave my size 12 baggy ones to charity as I no longer have to hide the sticking out hip I had with the socket and the ridge part by my bum. I can wear tight pants again! BEHOLD my bottom and waist!
For the first time in over 5yrs I am actually getting my body confidence back and like what I see in the mirror. Yes it is very very expensive and if your insurance is not going to cover it I'm sorry but Ossio integration is the best thing I have had done and wish I had done it earlier.
So you will need £40,000 this is for everything, flights, hotel stays, xrays, procedures after care etc etc.
Dr Aschoff told me there are two others who are just about to start this journey and I said they are more than welcome to ask me for advice. But bare in mind everyone is different, your body is different to mine, your accident/ injury could look different to mine. You may need the whole 6/12 months to recover. You may have pain all the way through or get an infection or may not. You might have a lot of excess fat on your thigh that means you will leak for longer, maybe permanently.
Just things to bare in mind, but I hope things go well for you and I am here for any questions and support.
I will still keep updating this blog and my vlog with my progress, my aim is to get a video of my walking 'normally' with out a stick down my drive.
So till next time take care xxxx
Sunday, 22 October 2017
Ossio Vlog Update Part 11
Hi all
I got back from my 4th visit to Hannover on Friday 20th only went for one day this time to have the metal parts fitted on the outside of my stumpy.
They added new bits on with screws, and a rubber hammer! It vibrated every time the struck the end.
It didn't hurt just felt really uncomfortable. Like someone bashing your funny bone with a rubber hammer.
When I first stood up I thought it would hurt, that I would feel the pressure through my bone as I pressed down but I didn't.
What I did feel and still do when I try to push down and then lift up (transfer weight from foot to foot) is a sharp trapped nerve pain. I had this when I first had my big socket leg and was learning to walk for the first time.
So I just have to slowly keep applying pressure and force my nerves to either tough up or move out of the way! :)
I'm not allowed to walk with out my crutches, I cant do that anyway but stay on them for 6 months.
The weeping at the end will get heavy I have been told because I'm upright and basically squeezing water out. This should stop in time.
The leg feels very heavy but again my first leg with socket felt really heavy its just something I know with time I will get used to.
It also looks awful, but I told you it doesn't look nice but I have got rid of the socket!!!
The technical team in Hannover are making a 3D printed shield for the top part to match my ankle cover so it will look better when I wear shorts/skirts.
So at the moment I have the leg off over this weekend as the inside around the rim at the front is bruised due to the weight and its only been 3 weeks since the implant. So still very tender.
I will put the leg on for a small bit each day stand up and transfer my weight then take it off to allow the nerves to settle.
I go back to Hannover in 4 weeks for a part change and the thigh cover and then I get transferred over to the team at PACE to do physio.
But I will wait until January to book this in, give my leg time to heal and enjoy enjoy the upcoming festivities.
Below is a link to my latest Vlog
Hi all
I got back from my 4th visit to Hannover on Friday 20th only went for one day this time to have the metal parts fitted on the outside of my stumpy.
They added new bits on with screws, and a rubber hammer! It vibrated every time the struck the end.
It didn't hurt just felt really uncomfortable. Like someone bashing your funny bone with a rubber hammer.
When I first stood up I thought it would hurt, that I would feel the pressure through my bone as I pressed down but I didn't.
What I did feel and still do when I try to push down and then lift up (transfer weight from foot to foot) is a sharp trapped nerve pain. I had this when I first had my big socket leg and was learning to walk for the first time.
So I just have to slowly keep applying pressure and force my nerves to either tough up or move out of the way! :)
I'm not allowed to walk with out my crutches, I cant do that anyway but stay on them for 6 months.
The weeping at the end will get heavy I have been told because I'm upright and basically squeezing water out. This should stop in time.
The leg feels very heavy but again my first leg with socket felt really heavy its just something I know with time I will get used to.
It also looks awful, but I told you it doesn't look nice but I have got rid of the socket!!!
The technical team in Hannover are making a 3D printed shield for the top part to match my ankle cover so it will look better when I wear shorts/skirts.
So at the moment I have the leg off over this weekend as the inside around the rim at the front is bruised due to the weight and its only been 3 weeks since the implant. So still very tender.
I will put the leg on for a small bit each day stand up and transfer my weight then take it off to allow the nerves to settle.
I go back to Hannover in 4 weeks for a part change and the thigh cover and then I get transferred over to the team at PACE to do physio.
But I will wait until January to book this in, give my leg time to heal and enjoy enjoy the upcoming festivities.
Below is a link to my latest Vlog
Wednesday, 27 September 2017
Upgrade Complete EXTERMINATE!!!
Hi all
Please subscribe to my Vlog at Gothic flamingo girl for updates on my Ossio implant.
I will do a quick summary here, but theres more detail in my Vlog.
OK so when we last spoke I was all nervous about going to Germany. I went met with Dr Aschoff and his team and I had the first operation in August cutting 5cm off the end of my stumpy and bashing a metal rod all the way up into the full length of my femur bone. (I was of course unconscious through out this bit.) :)
It was painful the next few days, hard to sleep I was sick on the pain killers, but thankfully not screaming like the exorcist.
also I got a private room so no dementia patients throwing their German Knickers at me.
They then stitched up the end and I went home again for a few weeks to let everything settle down.
Then I went back again on 20th September to have the stitches taken out and a small metal rod and black plastic connector put on the bottom (outside).
This was not painful at all and still isn't, its a bit like having a giant ear piercing
Personally I think it looks bloody awful, like Ive impaled myself with a chair leg but it gets rid of those liners and socket so there has to be a compromise. I'm getting a friend to make me a stumpy cover in leather and lace so hopefully it wont look too bad when I wear shorts/skirts.
I now have to wait 3 weeks and then go back again on 20th October, I have been told to take my crutches with me. This time they will put on a long connector so that the knees are aligned and put on my leg (which they have over there.)
They said I will be able to stand but that's it for a good few months as the bone is still fusing with the metal implant. It wont slide out but there is a risk of it twisting if I get my foot caught or fall.
It can take up to 12 months for the bone to grow over the implant and become secure. But even then I have to take it easy.
Below is the link to the latest Vlog from my 2nd operation. If you have any questions please ask. x
Hi all
Please subscribe to my Vlog at Gothic flamingo girl for updates on my Ossio implant.
I will do a quick summary here, but theres more detail in my Vlog.
OK so when we last spoke I was all nervous about going to Germany. I went met with Dr Aschoff and his team and I had the first operation in August cutting 5cm off the end of my stumpy and bashing a metal rod all the way up into the full length of my femur bone. (I was of course unconscious through out this bit.) :)
It was painful the next few days, hard to sleep I was sick on the pain killers, but thankfully not screaming like the exorcist.
also I got a private room so no dementia patients throwing their German Knickers at me.
They then stitched up the end and I went home again for a few weeks to let everything settle down.
Then I went back again on 20th September to have the stitches taken out and a small metal rod and black plastic connector put on the bottom (outside).
This was not painful at all and still isn't, its a bit like having a giant ear piercing
Personally I think it looks bloody awful, like Ive impaled myself with a chair leg but it gets rid of those liners and socket so there has to be a compromise. I'm getting a friend to make me a stumpy cover in leather and lace so hopefully it wont look too bad when I wear shorts/skirts.
I now have to wait 3 weeks and then go back again on 20th October, I have been told to take my crutches with me. This time they will put on a long connector so that the knees are aligned and put on my leg (which they have over there.)
They said I will be able to stand but that's it for a good few months as the bone is still fusing with the metal implant. It wont slide out but there is a risk of it twisting if I get my foot caught or fall.
It can take up to 12 months for the bone to grow over the implant and become secure. But even then I have to take it easy.
Below is the link to the latest Vlog from my 2nd operation. If you have any questions please ask. x
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Dyed my hair red whilst recovering to cheer me up, also got back to exercises too! |
Monday, 28 August 2017
Nearly time for Ossio
Hi All
Well only two more sleeps to go, i'm nervous which is to be expected i'm going to have a big operation in a foreign hospital. But on the surface i'm positive and can't wait to get rid off the plastic socket top that sticks out on my hip when I walk, so I can't wear any tight fitting clothes.
Also I think i'm going to burn the rubber liner, that caused sweat burns and chaffing cuts.
I won't have to put those stupid pink sponge plasters around my crotch anymore to stop rubbing if I did any long distance walking.
I wont have to shave off my pubic hair anymore, which I did to stop the plasters crabbing a handful when I walked and pulling them out.
I won't have to fiddle about with piece of paper stuck down the side of the Velcro fastening in the socket and my grey liner to get my foot straight so it doesn't spin when I walk.
All these good things, but my subconscious has thought na feck all that inside i'm gonna show you how your really feeling:
1)Not able to sleep until 12-1am
2)waking up at 6am!
3)Bad stomach ulcer flared up causing very bad chest pains, back pain, nausea, constant heart burn and indigestion. I started taking my VSL3 Probiotic and some Protopump inhibitors (stops acid produce) and eating bananas (so after 6wks ulcer should be gone) plus after the operation they will put me on a course of anti-biotics to ensure I don't get an infection in my implant. That should deal with any helabacta ulcer causing bugs too. #alwayslookonthebrightside.
I'm going to do a video diary of my trip, and what goes on in the hospital not just for something to do but to keep me sane :)
I hope to god I don't have an allergic reaction to the meds and hallucinate again when I wake up after the operation. Well it will be entertaining at least on the vlog, if I do hallucinate I will video secretly what I see and tell you what I see, and you can see what is really there. Might as well get some fun out of it.
So this is me signing off for now see you on the other side in 2 weeks.
Take care.
Hi All
Well only two more sleeps to go, i'm nervous which is to be expected i'm going to have a big operation in a foreign hospital. But on the surface i'm positive and can't wait to get rid off the plastic socket top that sticks out on my hip when I walk, so I can't wear any tight fitting clothes.
Also I think i'm going to burn the rubber liner, that caused sweat burns and chaffing cuts.
I won't have to put those stupid pink sponge plasters around my crotch anymore to stop rubbing if I did any long distance walking.
I wont have to shave off my pubic hair anymore, which I did to stop the plasters crabbing a handful when I walked and pulling them out.
I won't have to fiddle about with piece of paper stuck down the side of the Velcro fastening in the socket and my grey liner to get my foot straight so it doesn't spin when I walk.
All these good things, but my subconscious has thought na feck all that inside i'm gonna show you how your really feeling:
1)Not able to sleep until 12-1am
2)waking up at 6am!
3)Bad stomach ulcer flared up causing very bad chest pains, back pain, nausea, constant heart burn and indigestion. I started taking my VSL3 Probiotic and some Protopump inhibitors (stops acid produce) and eating bananas (so after 6wks ulcer should be gone) plus after the operation they will put me on a course of anti-biotics to ensure I don't get an infection in my implant. That should deal with any helabacta ulcer causing bugs too. #alwayslookonthebrightside.
I'm going to do a video diary of my trip, and what goes on in the hospital not just for something to do but to keep me sane :)
I hope to god I don't have an allergic reaction to the meds and hallucinate again when I wake up after the operation. Well it will be entertaining at least on the vlog, if I do hallucinate I will video secretly what I see and tell you what I see, and you can see what is really there. Might as well get some fun out of it.
So this is me signing off for now see you on the other side in 2 weeks.
Take care.
Friday, 28 July 2017
Vlog See my spud on the screen!
Hi All
I have done my vlog as previously mentioned here is the link.
There are 4 so far and will be more charting my Ossio journey. It's all very scary stuff but as always I will be as honest and open as I can. x
Also my business has finally started up. www.monstermashteas.co.uk come have a look.
Gothic & Apothecary themed teas and containers. :)
Saturday, 8 July 2017
Cyborg Sue
Hi all
Well I haven't got round to doing my vlog yet, but I will I have been really busy trying to get my tea business up and running.
What's happened so far:
1) contacted PACE saying I wanted to go ahead with Ossio Intergration, they gave me the name of the German Dr Hoist.
2) I emailed Hoist introducing myself and he's been very friendly and requested x-rays and pictures of my stumpy. Luckily I had, had xrays done recently due to my neuromas so made an appointment with my plastic surgeon to get them.
3) 2 weeks later got in to see Mr Dewar whilst in the meeting he emailed me xrays and MRI scans to my home. (this was a pre booked post op review anyway.) these are the xrays I posted in my last blog.
4) got home took pictures of my stumpy and compressed and sent everything to Dr Hoist, he was happy replied the next day that I did not need the 'thinning down tissue procedure' that would take the operation over 2yrs. That I was an ideal candidate and the whole thing would be sorted in 6 weeks!
I was totally shocked at this news and this made me re think things. If I went ahead then if all went well by the end of this year I would have a new leg and be socket free!
So I went and had a good long think weighed up the pros and cons and thought fook it go for it!
So I've booked a consultation with Dr Hoist in Germany on Thursday 13th June. ARGH!!!
Cost so far:
Train to Manchester Airport - Open return with disability pass £17.75
flight to Hanover - £303 (this is flights for me and my dad out on 12th return 13th expidia)
Taxi to hospital from airport £? will fill in on return
overnight stay in hotel £76 (IBIS medical park - near hosp app)
Taxi from Huddersfield rail station to home £will fill in on return
Will make a list of questions to ask and let you know how I get on.
Hi all
Well I haven't got round to doing my vlog yet, but I will I have been really busy trying to get my tea business up and running.
What's happened so far:
1) contacted PACE saying I wanted to go ahead with Ossio Intergration, they gave me the name of the German Dr Hoist.
2) I emailed Hoist introducing myself and he's been very friendly and requested x-rays and pictures of my stumpy. Luckily I had, had xrays done recently due to my neuromas so made an appointment with my plastic surgeon to get them.
3) 2 weeks later got in to see Mr Dewar whilst in the meeting he emailed me xrays and MRI scans to my home. (this was a pre booked post op review anyway.) these are the xrays I posted in my last blog.
4) got home took pictures of my stumpy and compressed and sent everything to Dr Hoist, he was happy replied the next day that I did not need the 'thinning down tissue procedure' that would take the operation over 2yrs. That I was an ideal candidate and the whole thing would be sorted in 6 weeks!
I was totally shocked at this news and this made me re think things. If I went ahead then if all went well by the end of this year I would have a new leg and be socket free!
So I went and had a good long think weighed up the pros and cons and thought fook it go for it!
So I've booked a consultation with Dr Hoist in Germany on Thursday 13th June. ARGH!!!
Cost so far:
Train to Manchester Airport - Open return with disability pass £17.75
flight to Hanover - £303 (this is flights for me and my dad out on 12th return 13th expidia)
Taxi to hospital from airport £? will fill in on return
overnight stay in hotel £76 (IBIS medical park - near hosp app)
Taxi from Huddersfield rail station to home £will fill in on return
Will make a list of questions to ask and let you know how I get on.
Tuesday, 20 June 2017
The long road to Osio
20th June 2017
Hello all
Don't look at me like that, yes I had said in previous blogs that I had explored Osio Intergration and rejected the idea. Because of the way the finished thing looked and the 'leakage' issue.
But I had to have yet another neuroma and a cyst removed from the stumpy, and was told this will be a yearly thing.
Also I got another sweat blister on the end of the stumpy and I wasn't even exerting myself.
So enough is enough, I spoke to my plastic surgeon and my private prosthatist at PACE to get the ball rolling.
I've also decided to do a vlog as there isn't much on youtube about anyone going through this from start to finish. Who to contact, the costs, what the operation looks like, physio etc etc.
I know the risks, you can get an infection in the end that can travel up the bone, resulting in you having to have your bone cut back up to the point where the steel pin was inserted.
If I have a bad fall and the femur cracks, again leg cut shorter, and in my case it would be nearly all my leg and I would either have to wear a permanent belt to hold my leg on or that horrible over the shoulder strap device.
Also if I do fall and land on my knees, there is a fail safe. The pin that is at the entrance to the top takes the pressure and breaks instead. This is good, but then I have a broken pin that I have to get on a plane to Germany to fix.
That's the other down side, this is still a relatively new procedure. There are experts in Australia, Holland and Germany. There are consultants in London but they are a branch of the Australians.
So I've decided to go to Germany.
Also this is not on the NHS yet, and I've been given a rough guide price of 30k, yep 30 grand for everything, the operation, the physio, the stay in hospital and flights to Germany.
This is what I've been told will happen:
1) See consultant in Germany, if you need to you will have a date for an operation to cut back and thin out the end off your stump as close to the bone as possible for better pin connection.
(I don't need this part that's why my plastic surgeon said I was ideal.)
2)You have operation number two, they open up the end of your stumpy, take out the marrow in your femur, and screw in a pin then sow up the pin inside and leave you for a couple of months. This is so the bone grows around the pin securing it.
3) Then if no complications i.e rejection/infection the end is opened up and the outer pin is put on that the leg will finally attach too.
4) You are then months in physio having small weights put on the end of the outer pin to get used to the weight of the leg. You are also taught to press down on it too so you take the weight through the bone.
5) Finally the leg is clipped on and I will be re-taught how to walk, as I have been taught to swing from my hip with a socket leg, now I have to try to walk normal again.
6) Invent some sexy upper leg coverings to hide the freddy Kruger penis leg so I can wear shorts.
all In all they say 2 years. which isn't too bad if you think if I do nothing I will be in hospital every year with neuromas, which I won't get as they are like pressure blisters internally. So as the weight is now through my femur like it should be they wont flare up.
I've decided to have this operation after my 40th (late 2019) As I want to do something fun for that and don't want to be in my chair.
Below is an xray and an MRI of my leg I was given to pass on to the German Osio surgeon.
I find it so fascinating, in the xrays you can see my intestines, and the MRI looks like a slice of meat :)
Hello all
Don't look at me like that, yes I had said in previous blogs that I had explored Osio Intergration and rejected the idea. Because of the way the finished thing looked and the 'leakage' issue.
But I had to have yet another neuroma and a cyst removed from the stumpy, and was told this will be a yearly thing.
Also I got another sweat blister on the end of the stumpy and I wasn't even exerting myself.
So enough is enough, I spoke to my plastic surgeon and my private prosthatist at PACE to get the ball rolling.
I've also decided to do a vlog as there isn't much on youtube about anyone going through this from start to finish. Who to contact, the costs, what the operation looks like, physio etc etc.
I know the risks, you can get an infection in the end that can travel up the bone, resulting in you having to have your bone cut back up to the point where the steel pin was inserted.
If I have a bad fall and the femur cracks, again leg cut shorter, and in my case it would be nearly all my leg and I would either have to wear a permanent belt to hold my leg on or that horrible over the shoulder strap device.
Also if I do fall and land on my knees, there is a fail safe. The pin that is at the entrance to the top takes the pressure and breaks instead. This is good, but then I have a broken pin that I have to get on a plane to Germany to fix.
That's the other down side, this is still a relatively new procedure. There are experts in Australia, Holland and Germany. There are consultants in London but they are a branch of the Australians.
So I've decided to go to Germany.
Also this is not on the NHS yet, and I've been given a rough guide price of 30k, yep 30 grand for everything, the operation, the physio, the stay in hospital and flights to Germany.
This is what I've been told will happen:
1) See consultant in Germany, if you need to you will have a date for an operation to cut back and thin out the end off your stump as close to the bone as possible for better pin connection.
(I don't need this part that's why my plastic surgeon said I was ideal.)
2)You have operation number two, they open up the end of your stumpy, take out the marrow in your femur, and screw in a pin then sow up the pin inside and leave you for a couple of months. This is so the bone grows around the pin securing it.
3) Then if no complications i.e rejection/infection the end is opened up and the outer pin is put on that the leg will finally attach too.
4) You are then months in physio having small weights put on the end of the outer pin to get used to the weight of the leg. You are also taught to press down on it too so you take the weight through the bone.
5) Finally the leg is clipped on and I will be re-taught how to walk, as I have been taught to swing from my hip with a socket leg, now I have to try to walk normal again.
6) Invent some sexy upper leg coverings to hide the freddy Kruger penis leg so I can wear shorts.
all In all they say 2 years. which isn't too bad if you think if I do nothing I will be in hospital every year with neuromas, which I won't get as they are like pressure blisters internally. So as the weight is now through my femur like it should be they wont flare up.
I've decided to have this operation after my 40th (late 2019) As I want to do something fun for that and don't want to be in my chair.
Below is an xray and an MRI of my leg I was given to pass on to the German Osio surgeon.
I find it so fascinating, in the xrays you can see my intestines, and the MRI looks like a slice of meat :)
Saturday, 20 May 2017
3 little piggis
Hi All
Well three weeks after my toes operation and I'm walking around again.
The Deadpool genes have kicked in once more!
It's still sore to walk at speed and I can't flex my foot, so no standing on tip toes etc.
But I can walk very slowly with my stick.
I had the end bone taken out of the middle and 2nd to little toe, and the nail bed removed from the little toe. (see picks below)
I now have 3 little toes instead of one, bonus is less likely to catch on furniture :)
Now next Saturday i'm having my 15th! operation on my stumpy (neuromas removed again)
I should get a free coffee or something.
I actually look forward to being knocked out because I get a few hours of deep sleep.
I even play a game with myself now and try to stay awake, or even see how far I can count down.
I've been knocked out that much that I have a scar on the back of both hands where the cannula goes in.
Hey ho, the really frustrating thing is i'm going to be in my pram over summer.
I can't get in the garden, or go on holiday. Well I can but i'll be in bandages and I know my mood will go down as I don't like being in my pram.
I haven't even got round to trying out my new tilted foot yet with heeled shoes.
I've also got the start up of my new business. That should be interesting seeing how I cope in my pram, packing goods and getting stock out of the garage. Well let's deal with one problem at a time.
Next thing stumpy operation.
Wish me luck.
Hi All
Well three weeks after my toes operation and I'm walking around again.
The Deadpool genes have kicked in once more!
It's still sore to walk at speed and I can't flex my foot, so no standing on tip toes etc.
But I can walk very slowly with my stick.
I had the end bone taken out of the middle and 2nd to little toe, and the nail bed removed from the little toe. (see picks below)
I now have 3 little toes instead of one, bonus is less likely to catch on furniture :)
Now next Saturday i'm having my 15th! operation on my stumpy (neuromas removed again)
I should get a free coffee or something.
I actually look forward to being knocked out because I get a few hours of deep sleep.
I even play a game with myself now and try to stay awake, or even see how far I can count down.
I've been knocked out that much that I have a scar on the back of both hands where the cannula goes in.
Hey ho, the really frustrating thing is i'm going to be in my pram over summer.
I can't get in the garden, or go on holiday. Well I can but i'll be in bandages and I know my mood will go down as I don't like being in my pram.
I haven't even got round to trying out my new tilted foot yet with heeled shoes.
I've also got the start up of my new business. That should be interesting seeing how I cope in my pram, packing goods and getting stock out of the garage. Well let's deal with one problem at a time.
Next thing stumpy operation.
Wish me luck.
Sunday, 30 April 2017
5 Years on!!!!
Hi all
Well it's five years! I remember watching a youtube clip of an indian man who had lost his leg and was walking down the street with his friends with out a stick. It had taken him 5 yrs to get to that point and I was determined that would also be my target years.
Since my accident I have been making a list and I will continue to add to it.
It sounds morbid to start off with but hear me out. It's a list of all the good things I have experienced after my accident date. If I had a died that day I wouldn't have been here to do/see/ experience them.
So whenever I am down or when I get to another year. I look at the list and it inspires me to go on living making that list longer
Held the keys to my very own bungalow.
Bought gothic furniture for the house
Learnt how to cross stitch complicated patterns
Road on a mobility scooter for first time.
Watched lots of movies at pictures with sister
Went to London
Saw the natural history museum
Got one quarter way up Ben Nevis
Flew in a plane
visited Edinburgh
Tried an avocado for the first time
hosted a roleplay game at my home
cooked Christmas dinner in new home for family
held a newt in my hands
Was a bridesmaid at my sisters wedding
flew to America
went to Disneyland
got to hug Big hero 6
went to universal studios
sang singing In the rain down fake broadway with my dad whilst others ran for cover.
discovered frapachinos - became slightly addicted.
retired my mum, made her cry in a good way.
went to Whitby goth weekend and bought a hat that actually suits me
joined roleplay again made new friends
went to nationals for first time in 10 yrs and came first place in my category.
Experienced liposuction...ouch..
Stayed in a hotel by myself for the first time.
Lost stone & half weight
Watched lots of tv series too many to mention.
went to Nottingham nationals came 3rd but walked around in the sun on large campus.
Tried full eye black contact lenses for first time.
Plus so many other injury related stuff and other bits that I can't recall right now, due to the amount of pain killers I'm on, but you get the idea.
Why am I on painkillers I hear you ask? Well had my toes operated on to stop the pain I had when I took a step. I've had the two knuckle bones taken out of my two middle toes and the nail removed from my little toe.
Also before this operation I thought I would show you me walking without a stick.
Yes i'm a bit limpy because of the blister I still have on my thigh (see last post.)
So just waiting for my date for my neuroma operation next so will let you know how I get on.
Keep plodding on peeps. x
Wednesday, 26 April 2017
Burning Rubber
26th April 2017
Hi All
Well I've been away for the weekend at my hobby, roleplaying. It was hosted at Nottingham university. The campus is absolutely massive, I booked a hotel on site as it only looked like it was 5 mins walk to every building I needed to go in.
But it wasn't to scale it was a 25 min walk, up hills, up steps and across grass at one point,
all this in glorious sunshine.
You can see where I am going with this (see picture below).
My leg began to sweat badly on the 2nd day of trudging around. I already had plasters around my crotch to stop the top of my liner rubbing. But this didn't stop the rubber inner liner start to slip. Once the blister popped it just oozed water and had no grip at all.
This was on the Saturday night after drinking with friends, and when I was walking back to my hotel (all up hill) at this point I was really thinking about having Ossio integration.
I had to grab the top of my hard plastic outer and hold it on and walk very slowly.
Once inside I was able to take my liner off and wash my leg. But I couldn't put a plaster over it as the sheer material of the plaster would cause the rubber liner to not grip and slip.
I didn't have my chair with me, and anyway I couldn't navigate the outside stairs to other buildings.
So I let air get to it over night, and then just had to put my liner back on over it, and walk very painfully and slowly to my final events. Luckily Sunday night a friend offered me a lift home, so I didn't have to carry my heavy bag through train stations, and limping.
Do you guys have this problem, especially in hot weather?
I have looked into it and I'm going to try a product called Odaban. You spray it on areas that have excessive sweating the night before. Then wash it off the next day and it's suppose to stop you sweating.
I don't know if this was sweating or moisture build up with me basically sealing up the top of my leg with plasters to stop rubbing. So no air could get out, and walking miles in heat creating moisture built up? Well I will give it ago once my blister has healed and let you know how I got on.
Take care
Hi All
Well I've been away for the weekend at my hobby, roleplaying. It was hosted at Nottingham university. The campus is absolutely massive, I booked a hotel on site as it only looked like it was 5 mins walk to every building I needed to go in.
But it wasn't to scale it was a 25 min walk, up hills, up steps and across grass at one point,
all this in glorious sunshine.
You can see where I am going with this (see picture below).
My leg began to sweat badly on the 2nd day of trudging around. I already had plasters around my crotch to stop the top of my liner rubbing. But this didn't stop the rubber inner liner start to slip. Once the blister popped it just oozed water and had no grip at all.
This was on the Saturday night after drinking with friends, and when I was walking back to my hotel (all up hill) at this point I was really thinking about having Ossio integration.
I had to grab the top of my hard plastic outer and hold it on and walk very slowly.
Once inside I was able to take my liner off and wash my leg. But I couldn't put a plaster over it as the sheer material of the plaster would cause the rubber liner to not grip and slip.
I didn't have my chair with me, and anyway I couldn't navigate the outside stairs to other buildings.
So I let air get to it over night, and then just had to put my liner back on over it, and walk very painfully and slowly to my final events. Luckily Sunday night a friend offered me a lift home, so I didn't have to carry my heavy bag through train stations, and limping.
Do you guys have this problem, especially in hot weather?
I have looked into it and I'm going to try a product called Odaban. You spray it on areas that have excessive sweating the night before. Then wash it off the next day and it's suppose to stop you sweating.
I don't know if this was sweating or moisture build up with me basically sealing up the top of my leg with plasters to stop rubbing. So no air could get out, and walking miles in heat creating moisture built up? Well I will give it ago once my blister has healed and let you know how I got on.
Take care
Friday, 3 February 2017
Big steps
Hi all
Well I survived Christmas, and was able to walk around for the first time!
I was able to decorate my tree, and make Christmas dinner, not in my pram!
The downside is after walking around so much I have developed another neuroma.
But I have a review due with my plastic surgeon in a few weeks so can get booked in then.
I was warned this would happen, due to the nature of my injury. At least I can tell now, that pain is this and that pain is that. So I can say to my doctor this needs doing.
I'm also on the waiting list still for my 'ring' toe being re-broken. So it doesn't hurt when I walk for long periods. Since it was pinned in hospital after the accident, it had fused to the 'knuckle' part of my foot pointing down. Luckily the toe part of that toe was amputated so its only a small stump pointing down.
This is only a re-brake and set so once done I should only be off my 'feet' for 6 weeks at most.
I've been on the waiting list for this since November but I can't blame the NHS for the long wait as its only a minor operation.
I also got a second smaller socket cast and put on my hydraulic leg. So that I could attach my new tilting foot to it permanently. It only tilts 2" but that accounts for half my wardrobe boots.
I've yet to try it out and think I might wobble over. So will leave that until after my next stumpy operation.
I was also frustrated with paying 'a lot' of money for my electric leg, that is suppose to let me do all these fantastic things. But due to my height I couldn't even do the basic, stairs.
I've mentioned before how you have to flick your leg back like a bull getting ready to charge. Then quickly bring it up in front of you and place it on the step. But if the steps are standard hallway steps I was finding it hard to quickly kick back and lift my leg that high. Then when I tried to step up as directed my leg would bend at the knee, and I couldn't step up.
Well as you know by now I am stubborn, and will always find my way. Prosthatist's for all their knowledge are not wearing your leg. So if they tell you to do something one way and it just doesn't work, try another.
So for those one legged pigmi's heres how you step up. Don't do the charging bull thing, because by the time you have kicked back. The leg realises you want to bend to step up, it hasn't followed through fast enough and your toe catches on the lip of the step you are trying to step on.
So here's what you do, raise your leg to step up (it doesn't have to be on any special setting.) to the point where it bends, then using the lip of the step you want to step onto. Push the toes against it making the leg swing back slightly.(It doesn't actually swing, unless you are on a hydraulic.) then place your foot on the step.
You should now be stood with one foot on the bottom step and your bad leg on the top step.
This next bit is different from what they tell you to do at physio.
Holding the banister, I want you to push down through your bad leg onto your heal, not your toes.
You have to re-programme yourself not to go upstairs on the front of your feet.
Watch a 'normal' person do it and they go onto their tip toes when they step up.
You don't have a calf to do this, so you have to push hard down through your heel.
So whilst doing this, slowly lift your good leg off the step. try not to pull yourself up with the banister.
Then when your good foot is on the next step bring your bad leg up to join it.
Congratulations you've just taken your first step up. Your good knee will thank you if it could.
I will add a video shortly.
Now just practise this on one step, very slowly, their is no rush. I still use the one, step up method in public. But with practise I will get quicker.
Now I have just got to find a better way of going down.
Take care x
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